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Chamomille / Jasmin Nicotiana


20 in stock

Camomille / Jasmin Nicotine   – 5$

100 semences  / 100 seeds
Plein Soleil / Full Sun
Arroser / Water: 2-3 jours/days
Maturité / Maturity: 90-120 jours/days
Hauteur / Height: 2-3”
Distance entre plantes / Distance between plants: 24-36″

Une mélange de camomille et jasmine car des fois, on échappe un gros batch et v’la!
A mix of chamomile and Jasmin nicotine because sometimes we drop a batch together!
“The inspiration for this drawing is simple.  I thought that it would be great to take pictures of women I love, appreciate and find beautiful and hack away at their parts to recreate a perfect zombie woman that is just hungry.  Hungry for flesh?  Hungry for beauty?  Will she eat the bugs?  Are they zombies too?  The fact of the matter is, she is absolutely dead, absolutely perfect in her decomposed state.  All the different women are from the 4 colours of the medicine wheel and this allows for us to move past the idea that we are one thing or another.   She is perfect because she is all of us.
I drew Montreal in the background because I grew up there.  I always had a little fear of not being able to get off the island in case of an emergency, like say, a zombie apocalypse.  Now that I am on my farm, with access to food and water, I can grow amazing seeds and make sure that my friends and family are safe.  But really, no one is safe anymore, not with those fuckers roaming around and eating all my clients up!”

Dessin/Drawing – Teprine





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