Tomate Ceylon Tomato
- 30 semences / seeds
- Biologique / Organic
- Indéterminée / Indeterminate
- Pollinisation libre / Open Pollinated
- Distance entre plantes / Distance between plants – 24-36”
- Plein Soleil / Full Sun
- Arrosage / Water every 2-3 jours/days
- Maturité / Maturity – 80
- Germination – 6-12 jours/days
- Hauteur / Height – 3-5′
Dans les films de Romero, les zombies continuent de faire le travail de leurs vies antérieur. Ici, nous avons la preuve! Notre fermière zombie ne peut pas s’empêcher d’empaler ses variétés préférées de tomate.
Dessin par Émilie McCall-Pinard
Some say that zombies will continue to do the work they used to do, as in Romero’s land of the dead. And here we have unliving proof!!
Our zombie farmer can’t help herself and just gets down and dirty to grow and impale her favorite varieties of tomatoes.
In this pack you will get 30 seeds of our most prized tomato that year. Maybe it was the only tomato seed we could grab when we were racing out the door to save our bloody lives! Each year, we never know what our Z-farmer will grow and to tell you the truth, I don’t want to ask. Be my guest if you want!
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